Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Kavis Birthday 11 March

 To Kavi on her birthday !!! 

O my Princess!!! Yu know d first tyme we met was in our Sr Kg and shared same bench

Days passed, months passed and years passed.

People changed and even things changed so fast…

Fussing, fighting, being there for each other through the good and the bad. 

Yur the best craziest friend a girl could ask for...

To all the mischievous things done so far from Kindergarten to being senior Citizen ,

 I want to have lot more of dose kinda memories wit yu ...

And janneman kavita spending our tyme as v did earlier wen we wer kids :P is still so fresh..

No matter let our age grow let spouses take over our life but yes we both wud stick to each othr doin thick n thin times.

Yu wud still be d same kavi for me ... evn if we grow 70 we ll still b mastikhoor...

No matter how far apart we are, nor how many new friends we come across in life we will always be the BEST of frndz  and have this bond like no other friend.

Happy Burth day mornin noon afternoon evenin nyte n midnyte !! 

Toast with Cheese Garlic Bread French Fries Prawns Chilly and Apna No 1



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Kavis Birthday 11 March

 To Kavi on her birthday !!!  O my Princess!!! Yu know d first tyme we met was in our Sr Kg and shared same bench Days passed, months passed...